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Q: Does the facility/venue have power to serve my needs?
     A: Most facilities have the basic electrical framework to sustain a variety of functions. However, if the power within the building is not configured or in the locations required for show, EXPO provides temporary electrical distribution of that power.

Q: Why do you have an ordering Deadline Date?
     A: The time prior to the deadline date is used to determine how much equipment is required.  Orders can still be processed after the deadline date but will be charged at a higher rate. So please, to save yourself money and help us plan effectively & efficiently, place your order by the deadline date.

Q: Is the rental price a per day charge?
     A: No, our pricing is for the duration of the show.

Q: Is my power on 24/7 or just during the show?
     A: Standard electrical services will be turned on 30 minutes prior to show opening and will be turned off within approximately 30 minutes after show close each day.  Order 24-hour power if you require refrigeration, computer systems, water pumps, heaters, etc. 24-hour power will be provided at the listed price on our forms.

Q: May I wire or connect my own equipment on site?
     A: No, All hardwire power connection and on-site cable installations must be done by EXPO to ensure safety and that all electrical codes and building rules are followed - this for the protection of the exhibitors, attendees, facility staff and employees of all sub-contractors.

Q: Is power supplies with my booth?
     A: In most cases, it isn’t. This is decided by the Promoter/Show Management, whether to include it or not. If power is supplied, the Exhibitor Service Kit will indicate this. Please make sure to read the Service Kit carefully.

Q: How do I order electrical services?
     A: For shows where EXPO Décor is the official services contractor, you can fax your EXPO supplied forms to 559.266.2232 or scan/email them to
For shows where EXPO is not providing the electrical services, please read your Exhibitor Packet carefully to find out where to send your order form or how to contact the appropriate Show Management for assistance. If you need help locating this information, we will be happy to assist you.